Monday, September 3, 2012

It's like waiting for Christmas.......

I feel like a little girl waiting for Christmas to get here. I have butterflies in my stomach. I'm anxious and excited. I didn't think I was nervous but Todd made the comment yesterday that he can tell I'm a little nervous because I've gotten the nesting instinct. The planner in me has kicked in overdrive! With raising four children, I've always been a creates a sense of calm in the chaos of our schedules. I love to make things easier for Todd because he puts in 60 hours plus in a week at work. He does so much to provide for our family So....I've been cleaning, getting all the laundry caught up, going to the grocery and making sure the bills are paid. I feel so much better. So yes, Todd is probably right, I am subconciously nervous. I need that sense of calm going into my surgery. Two days ago, I got a massage to help me relax and relieve some tension. I love my massages from Sue, a very dear friend of mine. She used to be my babysitter when I was young! I am very fond of her and it was a treat seeing her. It was just what I needed to relax. I also had a really cool conversation this last week with a gentleman my Mom introduced to me by Facebook. Dan had a cochlear implant seven years ago and he answered many of my questions. It was so helpful and he put some of my fears at ease. I was grateful for the correspondence and hope to meet him someday. It is a good thing I am working the next two will help pass the time. It is so crazy to think it's almost here. After eight months of waiting. God has a plan for me and I love watching it unfold.....

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